Literary Essay: Noah Vaughn

The Call of the Wild with connections is a book written by Jack London that tells a gripping story about a dog named Buck who goes through many different challenges and overcomes many different things throughout his journey to go back home. He was kidnapped by some men and taken to a warehouse where he was beaten with a club, and then bought by a man named Francois to become a sled dog. He met a lot of different people and had to go through many different obstacles and fights to become the leader of all of the sled dogs.

In the story, Buck managed to take all of the pain and suffering and grow stronger and become a great leader in the end, so that shows that the theme is to never give up and that what doesn’t kill you does make you stronger. When he was beaten with a club, he got back up almost 15 times and came at the dude again, and eventually stopped and couldn’t go anymore, but it ended up motivating him to be stronger and he ended up becoming a great leader.

He was bought by Francois and Perrault and he kept fighting to be the best sled dog that he could be. There were constant fights with the leader, Spitz, and ended up defeating to become the leader of the sled dogs and overcomes everything. This shows that he ends up proving himself as a dog and never gave up. He became stronger over time and was able to defeat Spitz.

I believe that the theme is to never give up and that doesn’t kill you makes you stronger, but I know that there is more than likely people that would probably disagree with that. I believe that this is the theme because of the two examples that I gave in the last 3 paragraphs, on how he kept fighting and working hard enough to rise to the top and be the best out of everybody. He worked through all of the pain and grew and grew over time to be able to defeat Spitz and become one of the greatest leaders of all of the sled dogs.

So now, at the end of the story, he proved himself and became an amazing leader to the other sled dogs. Overtime he overcame a lot of different obstacles and learned from his mistakes and improved. In conclusion, this is why I believe that the moral and theme of the story is to never give up, and that doesn’t kill you makes you stronger.